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The Codex Douglas Preston Books

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The Codex Douglas Preston Books

The Codex is a page turner. This is an adventure story that takes us to Honduras to the wet, over-grown, snake and bug invested rain forest on a trek to find a hidden treasure.

The hidden treasure belongs to adventurer and collector, Max Broadbent and it's up to his three, or four, sons to find as their legacy. One of the main objectives of the treasure is the Codex that contains all of the plant medicines known to the rain forest and it could make a lot of people a lot of money, so, the Broadbent sons are not the only people in on the race to find the treasure.

This tale takes you on a gritty romp into the seldom seen forest with it's frightful diseases, bugs, snakes and pirhanas all of which are used to heighten the atmosphere in the jungle. This part I liked a lot since I like to read of this sort of adventure but not to partake.

This is a quick adventure read for the beach or plane ride to escape the norm and it works great. Douglas Preston is wonderful for this sort of tale and you'll not be disapointed! I have found I like the author's adventure stories almost as much as I like the stories Child and Preston write together. They are always well written and interesting.

Read The Codex Douglas Preston Books

Tags : The Codex (9780765346292): Douglas Preston: Books,Douglas Preston,The Codex,Tor,076534629X,Mystery & Thrillers,Archaeological thefts,Fathers and sons,Inheritance and succession,Manuscripts, Maya,Missing persons,Pharmaceutical industry,Suspense fiction,Tombs,Treasure troves,Action & Adventure,Adventure thriller,FICTION Action & Adventure,Fiction,Fiction - General,Fiction Thrillers General,FictionThrillers - General,Mystery And Suspense Fiction,Thrillers - General,Archaeological thrillers; archaeology thrillers; archaeological mysteries and thrillers; action adventure; action adventure books; action and adventure books; action adventure thriller; action adventures; action books; action thriller; action thriller books; action fiction; adventure book; adventure stories; adventure novels; adventure fiction; adventurous books; adventure in books; adventure books for adults; mystery thriller suspense; thriller books; mystery thriller books; best thrillers; top thrillers; thriller genre; mysteries and thrillers

The Codex Douglas Preston Books Reviews

Preston and Child are awesome authors that provide consistently great thrillers! Their writing style id easy and free flowing that catches you meandering through the verbiage, then bammm you're expectantly drawn into a most exciting situation. Lots of action and death and anticipations. Definitely a great read for lovers of Thrillers .....
I loved the book but really need to know what happens to the professor! Maybe all will be revealed in another book. Have to say the vivid descriptions of the rainforest/jungle and all the critters just creeps me out!!
Good read. I read this because it is similar to the Forrest Fenn Treasure. It was a good story and kept me interested to the end.
The book was excellent. Anything Douglas Preston writes is excellent. The book has a surprise ending. If you haven't read it, you should try it.
I found the first couple of chapters overly descriptive, as if every adjective had to be used, and was ready to put this book aside. However, as I progressed through the next chapters, the adjectives decreased and the storyline took off. I found myself finishing the book in one evening, engrossed with the outcome. And I have to admit "The Codex" was well worth the read.
I love the stuff that Preston writes with Lincoln Child, so I was super excited to check out his solo stuff. This book did not disappoint, and in fact I really liked it! The plot was fun and excited. I couldn't put it down!
This is (hopefully) a stand-alone story. It partially takes place in the Honduran jungle where Preston describes his personal adventures in the discovery of a hidden city in "The Lost City of the Monkey God." In some ways it reminds me of the John Wayne movies "Big Jake" and "The Sons of Katy Elder." The estranged sons of a patriarch learn to get together in a common cause.
I recently read Tyrannosaur Canyon, choosing that book because it was listed as "Wyman Ford Book 1" so I thought I was beginning at the beginning, so to speak. Well, it turns out that it is NOT the beginning. THIS book is a predecessor in that same narrative, and it should be named "Tom Broadbent Book 1" while Tyrannosaur Canyon should be named "Tom Broadbent Book 2" Now, having started to read this book, I am realizing that I basically already know how the book ends.
The Codex is a page turner. This is an adventure story that takes us to Honduras to the wet, over-grown, snake and bug invested rain forest on a trek to find a hidden treasure.

The hidden treasure belongs to adventurer and collector, Max Broadbent and it's up to his three, or four, sons to find as their legacy. One of the main objectives of the treasure is the Codex that contains all of the plant medicines known to the rain forest and it could make a lot of people a lot of money, so, the Broadbent sons are not the only people in on the race to find the treasure.

This tale takes you on a gritty romp into the seldom seen forest with it's frightful diseases, bugs, snakes and pirhanas all of which are used to heighten the atmosphere in the jungle. This part I liked a lot since I like to read of this sort of adventure but not to partake.

This is a quick adventure read for the beach or plane ride to escape the norm and it works great. Douglas Preston is wonderful for this sort of tale and you'll not be disapointed! I have found I like the author's adventure stories almost as much as I like the stories Child and Preston write together. They are always well written and interesting.
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